
Lambton College


1485 London Rd, Sarnia, ON N7S 6K4, Canada

Room Features:

  • Two beds – all beds are double extra long (54″ x 80″)
  • Two desks with chairs and desk lamps
  • Two armoires with shelving
  • One washroom – shared by the two residents of the room
  • Refrigerator (7.4 cu. ft.) and microwave – shared by two residents of the room
  • Wireless internet


Common Rooms Features:

  • Quiet study lounge
  • Student kitchen
  • Laundry facility
  • Main lounge with ping pong, foosball and pool tables
  • Computer lab with printer and scanner
Fee Description Fee
Non-refundable Application fee
(Paid at a time of application)
Residence fees $5,600
Meal Plan $2,400
TOTAL $8,100


Payment Plan Options:

Summer Term-May 9, 2021-August 21, 2021
Open Single
Option 1

$$2,400 due April 15, 2021

Total = $2,400

Option 2

$750 due April 15, 2021

Three payments of $600 due May 15, June 15, July 15

Includes a non-refundable $150 administration fee

Total = $2,550

Open Double
Option 1

$2,000 due April 15, 2021

Total = $2,000

Option 2

$650 due April 15, 2021

Three payments of $500 due May 15, June 15, July 15

Includes a non-refundable $150 administration fee

Total = $2,150

Academic Year-September 4, 2021-April 24, 2022
Open Double
Option 1

$2,000 due June 15, 2021

$6,000 due August 1, 2021

Total = $8,000

Option 2

$2,000 due June 15, 2021

$2,000 due August 1, 2021

$4,150 due October 1, 2021 (includes a non-refundable $150 administration fee)

Total = $8,150


Option 3 – Payment Plan

Additional $200 administration fee. You must contact management after submitting your application. Submitting your application is not a guarantee of your payment plan.

Winter Term- January 9, 2022-April 23, 2022
Open Double
Option 1

$4,000 due December 15, 20221 or

If accepted after December 15, 2021, payment will be immediately

Total = $4,000

Schedule Appointment

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.