Interactive Media Design – Web

Students learn to use current Web and Internet technologies to create innovative, interactive products for a variety of users, platforms, and devices. They develop skills and knowledge to plan, design, and develop engaging and intuitive Web applications. Students explore the use of current technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, the Document Object Model (DOM), Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and a variety of popular Web frameworks. With a focus on user-centered design, students apply human-computer interaction principles, standards-based technologies, and Web application best practices to create an accessible, usable, and captivating user experience. — Georgian College

School: Georgian College

Availability (Intake): September

Campus: Barrie

Tuition Fee C$ (Canadian Dollar): 14,290

Areas of Interest

Art, Design, Fashion



Tuition Fee

$14,800 – $23,000 CAD/Year


Length of Program

Schedule Appointment

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